Modular Home Planning Permission Ireland

Applying for planning permission for modular homes can be a very daunting thought for some. As a leader in the Irish modular home industry, it’s a topic we get asked about almost every day (along with modular home pricing). If you have already gotten this far into researching planning permission, the chances are you already have a fair idea of what it is, but for those who don’t, read on!

Planning Permission for Modular Homes

So, we first need to understand what is meant by planning permission:

“Planning permission is how you ask your local authority to agree to your proposed building work. It can be approved or refused by the local authority. The planning permission process is used to stop inappropriate building and developments and approve those that are suitable.”

The next key question then to ask and understand is, do you actually need planning? There are some exemptions to planning permission – and the chances are, your garden room, home office or modular structure may be exempt!

Exemptions for Planning Permission

Let’s go through some of the exemptions.

  • If a free-standing building (not an extension) you can build up to an area of 25sqm before planning permission is needed.
  • If an extension onto an existing house, you can build up to 40sqm before planning is needed. NB: You must have 25sqm of free space left in your garden
  • You may build up to 3m high for a single pitch roof
  • You may build up to 4m high for a tiled pitched roof
  • Garden rooms being used for home office space, garden studio space, extra living space, man cave/teenager den, bar would fall under the exemption. Any uses to the effect of being slept in or lived in, would not.
  • Garden rooms or any modular structure can be placed either behind or to the side of the existing property. Not to the front.
  • Windows must not be placed within 1m of a neighbour’s boundary.
  • For size – our Pod 17 & 22 would be exempt from planning permission.

If your upcoming project fits those bullet points, then congrats as it would be exempt for planning permission. However it is still recommended that you check with your local planning authority for confirmation about these exemptions.

Exemptions - Planning Permission - Pod Factory Ireland

How to apply for Modular Home Planning Permission

If however you’re not exempt from planning permission for your project then, we’ll briefly take you through what to expect when applying for planning.

Firstly, there are fees. Fees vary for different types of planning applications, so be sure to research what type of planning you need before you go steaming ahead. Then, search up your local planning authority to whom you will be applying to and print off your forms. If you are unsure of your local planning authority, you can check which planning authority is yours here.

Your local authority should also be able to help you with some advice. Contact them, and they can advise you on what documents you need, give you an unofficial heads up on whether your plans comply with their guidelines.

Documents Needed for Planning Permission

When applying for planning permission for your modular home you’ll need to provide the following documents.

  • Copies of public notices; (newspaper notice and site notice)
  • The name and address of the applicant, the area and location of the land or structure concerned and the legal interest of the applicant
  • All the required plans, maps and drawings and a schedule listing the plans, maps and drawings; a location map (minimum scale 1:1000)
  • Site or layout plans (minimum scale 1:500)
  • Other plans and elevations of proposals; (minimum scale 1:200) (except for outline permission)
  • A plan showing the position on the land where the site notice has been erected
  • The appropriate fee and six copies of plans and maps. In the case of protected structures or proposed protected structures, ten copies are usually required.

The timeframe for receiving a decision is 8 weeks from the date your application is filed.

When filling in the application forms, each section has a part explaining what is needed and will give answers to commonly asked questions to make your application run as smoothly as possible.

Modular Home - Planning Permission Ireland - Pod Factory

Modular Home Planning Permission

The above is just a brief guide through the planning process and is not exhaustive. Advice from your local planning authority is needed before any construction takes place. If you’d like to get some help with your modular home planning then get in touch online or send an email to us We will be able to give you a call back, have a quick chat about your Pod and give you some options then.

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